Matillija Poppy
This amazing flower is native to the northern California coast mountains but I found this growing right outside the Studio of James Pottery on Quadra Is. With the permission of Martha & Gordon James I spent several hours In their garden watching the light on this shrub and was able to capture this photo.

Hummingbird Babies Ready to Leave the Nest
These wee little birds were wonderful to watch as we found the nest before the female had laid her eggs. My husband set up a semi blind area to that we could watch the nest as the eggs were laid, they hatched and as they nearly out grew this tiny nest. I was able to catch them just hours before they fledged. From egg laying to fledging was just over 21 days.

"Frozen In Time"
We rarely get Hoar Frost so when it happened I headed out into the cold morning to capture the plants and water that were made so beautiful by the amazing phenomenon.

Calla Lilies
i purchased these at a local grocery store and planted them in my garden. They quadrupled in size and gave me this wonderful show of colour and texture.

Oriental Brilliant Scarlet Red Poppy
This was a poppy whose seed had blown in on the wind and grew at the bottom of our driveway just outside the fence. It had several other blossoms but this one stood out to me.

Ah the smell and taste of Salsa!!! these were grown in a large pot by my neighbour who told me what they were. I love the lines on the paper coverings and the density of colour in each one. If you look closely you can see a strand of spider silk running along the top of the leaves from one end of the branch to the other.

Bumble Bee and Spring Crocus
Oh my! I had wanted to photography this lone spring crocus on the side of the driveway but kept putting it off. A week went by and I realized I had to do it now or not at all. To my surprise i found this bumble be snuggled in and feeding on the flower's nectar!

"Catching the Light" Spring Crocus
My neighbour called to me to say that the sun was shining on her patch of crocuses and to come quick before it moved. i was able to capture this lovely detailed image and the shadows just as the sun moved off the patch.

Black Water German Iris
My neighbour grew this for the first time in 2018 and I was so taken with the shape and colour that I had to get a photograph. I love it because of the contrast of the colour of the flower and the background plus the details of the flower itself.

Pine White Butterfly
This butterfly is no larger that the size of a thumbnail. Many of them were flying around the herb garden at the Old Farm Community Gardens and after watching them for a time I was able to capture this little one feeding on a flower. I have had a number of customers say that they think it's just part of the white flower.

Multi Blue Clematis Lanuginosa
My neighbour has this unusual Clematis growing up the fence of his garden. It has very spindly stems and you wonder if it will survive the winter but it always does and produces these very interesting flowers that delight all who drive by on the road.

Sweet Rose in Winter
I loved this rose when I saw it in the florist so I bought it and decided to see if I could do it justice in a photograph. A friend of mine saw it here and wanted cards made of the image. It is now one of my most purchased card.

Yellow Calla Lilies Dressed in Black
I I had fun capturing these unique and majestic flowers and a inside photo shoot. I am pleased with the outcome.

Pink Flame Parrot Tulip
Grown by my neighbour for just one year, this tulip fascinated me because of it's fabulous textured petals and intense colour.

Fisherman's Wharf in Winter Light, Victoria BC Canada
Taken on a mid January day near sunset. it was a cold day with good light and I love how the colours of Fisherman's Wharf popped for me. It's also the rare time of year that there were no tourists walking along the docks.

Sunset from Whiskey Point Quadra Is. BC Canada
This is part of a Quadra Island Photo Club field trip in late October 2019. The reason we were at Whiskey Point is it is the best place in Quathiaski Cove to catch the spectacular sunsets that occur at this time of year.

Swallowtail Butterfly in the Honeysuckle
I followed this swallowtail around for about 20 minutes before it decided to feed on this specific honeysuckle flower. I was delighted that it chose this one and not one deep in the large bush that drapes over my neighbours fence.

Sunflower and Bee
Bees and Sunflowers are synonymous. Most days there are many bees massing around the large flower head, but at this moment there was just the one. Lucky for me I was able to do a close up photo and catch the bee in focus. Taken in 2019, my first of several sunflowers and bees.